The Secrets of The Sphinx
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The Sphinx a mythical creature with the head of a Man, the torso and forelimbs of a lion, the posterior of a bull, and the wings of an eagle.
In this 5 and half hour video lecture Master Danny beautifully explains in detail:
- Why and when Sphinx became a part of MCKS Teachings?
- How Master Danny was inspired to do this research?
- What is Sphinx?
- Different theories about Sphinx.
- Who made the sphinx and what was it used for?
- Ancient Egyptian Gods with animal heads.
- The Book of Ezekiel and His visions.
- The need for The Four Elements of the creation of new
- The twelve zodiac signs and their relation to the Four
- How the four elements were used in ancient Egypt to test
the spiritual practitioner?
- Four elements and their connection to the
elementals or nature spirits
- Study of high magic and its relation to the elementals
- Beings connected to each element or nature spirits
- How to control the four elements as a high magician to
control the creation
- Controlling the elements with the help of elementals
- Elementals and their relationship with the Archangels.
- The Four components of the sphinx and their connection
with the four astrological signs and the four elements.
- Chakras and their connection to elementals
- The secret of Attracting the Elementals in your life
- Physical elements and etheric elements (prana aspect)
- The elements within you, the Sphinx within you, harmonizing the forces
within and developing the will.
- How to develop the will using the four magic words connected to Sphinx?
- How to develop the mind?
- How to develop the Man, lion, bull, and eagle within?
- The four qualifications of a disciple discussed in the book At the Feet
of Master
- How do the psychic powers come to you?
- Controlling the mind through the practice of character building.
- The meaning of the Sphinx riddle on the spiritual path
- How to become the Sphinx?
- Holy Masters, their mission, and which rays they are connected to.
- The highest level of initiation for the human soul.
- Using will on materialization.
- As always much much more ...
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