The ancient art and science of pranic healing and arhatic yoga

Kundalini “The Layers of Awakening” 2 ratings

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  • Instructor: Acharya - Master Daniel Gorgonia
  • Course language: English
  • Duration: 01:37:28
  • Validity Period: This video will be available to watch until 14 days after the purchase.

Kundalini has always been a mysterious and exciting topic among spiritual practitioners. There are many questions that a spiritual practitioner normally has.
in this video, Master Danny Beautifully explains the following subjects in detail:
- Where is exactly Kundalini located?
- What does it look like?
- How did it get there?
- How does the baby get the Kundalini Energy in the womb of the mother?
- Do we have more Kundalini Energy in men or women?
- Purposes of Kundalini.
- How to scan Kundalini.
- Kundalini Nadis through which Kundalini moves.
- The logic behind the sequence of courses in Grand Master Choa Kok Sui’s School.
- The three different types of energy and their role in maintaining the bodies.
- How to awaken the Kundalini Energy safely.
- How Gobi Krishna awakened his Kundalini.
- What is CSF (Cerebrospinal Fluid)?
- How to move the Kundalini Energy when you meditate.
- What is the Kundalini Energy relation with the Soul?
- Can you find out how many lives you had?
- What happens to Chakras and Kundalini Energy when the body dies?
- Why the body of the saints does not decay?
- Why do some spiritual practitioners ask to incremate their body after death?
- How the Soul leaves the body?
- The seven layers of Existence in Theosophy and their relation to the Kundalini Awakening.
As always much much more …

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We are very excited to make selected lectures available to you for a small fee. Once payment has been made you have 14 days to watch this video. After 14 days you can still watch this video again and again at your own leisure with a small reviewing fee.


  • April 11, 2024

    Suzy G.

    Master Danny’s explanation of how kundalini is awakened is easy to understand. Even though I have been an Arhatic yogi for many years I gained new insight through this video. Such wonderful information not taught anywhere else. I highly recommend watching it!! Thank you Master Danny!

  • March 17, 2024

    Sathish K.

    Very Good video. Thanks for the teachings.

    On the experience front in mobile when we play the video from app after few mins the screen turns off. We have from time to time touch the screen. This is not happening in the iPad only in phone this is happening. Maybe the mobile is not recognising that an app running.