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Şefkat ve Huzur üzerine Dualar ve Tefekkür (İkiz kalpler Meditasyonu İslam versiyonu)

Şefkat ve Huzur üzerine Dualar ve Tefekkür (İkiz kalpler Meditasyonu İslam versiyonu)

By: Grand Master Choa Kok Sui

Turkish Translation


The message of the prophet, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam said:
Have mercy on all the people. And do it because you yourself need the mercy of Allah. Be merciful to the other creations so the Creator will have mercy on you. Your mercy should see no bounds. It should reach all human Beings.
The Bukhari and Muslim states:
Those who have no mercy on other human beings will not receive mercy of Allah.
(Please note that in this second hadith the word used is “NAS”. This means mankind not just believers.)
Here is the hadith of Tirmidhi, who reports that the Prophet Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam said:
Have mercy on those who are on earth, the One in heavens will have mercy on you.“ Peace be upon you!

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