The ancient art and science of pranic healing and arhatic yoga

Clairvoyance - eBook Info


Prerequisite Course: Basic Pranic Healing


First published in 1899, Clairvoyance is Leadbeater's short handbook on the methods used in seeing and hearing beyond normal perception. Humans can only see a certain range of light under normal circumstances. If, however, eyes were sensitive to additional wavelengths of light, this would constitution clairvoyant vision. These new wavelengths become available when one starts using astral senses. Leadbeater gives his readers a thorough description of the kinds of clairvoyance that exist and how such visions are achieved. In the final chapter he answers the question that every reader wants to ask: How can I develop clairvoyance for myself? Those interested in the occult and psychic ability will find this book a must-read.