Frequently Asked Questions
We are happy to announce that we now offering regular talks on spirituality by Master Danny and some of our senior instructors on our website. With these online sessions anyone and everyone can learn from their wisdom and insights.
Given the situation the world is in, we wanted our videos and audio books to be accessible to a bigger audience and we wanted more countries to benefit our unique content.
Feel free to choose the amount you would like to contribute. With your generous contribution we can maintain to continue this service and provide you more videos in the future.
Our services are accessible through your account on our website. If you are from Middle East or Africa you may already have an account on our database and you may need to reset your password. If you are from other regions (countries) you need to create an account and sign up as a new user.
To access your account follow the steps below:
1Do I have an account on ThePranicHealers website?
Simply do this step to find out if you already have an account on our website.
This step will show you how to see if you have an account in ThePranicHealers website and reset you password. Also tells you if you dont have any account in this website.if you receive regular emails from us means you already have an account on our website and you can follow from step3.
2How can I register as a new user on ThePranicHealers website?
This step is for people who have no account and need to create a new account on ThePranicHealers website.
3How can I add my courses to the website or update the courses list which were added by my foundation/center to website?
This step will help you to update your courses list. You can also add the missing courses information and certificate images to your list. This step is very important because the system can understand which courses was completed by you and the related videos will be eligible for you to see.
4What is the function of each part of my account on ThePranicHealers website?
This step will give you a brief information about each part of the website and your control panel.
5How can I Add Funds to my account to access the Audio/Video Streams?
This step will show you how to use credit card, PayPal account or gift card to fund your account. You need a positive balance tone able to get the online courses.
6How can I buy an audio/video stream?
This step will walk you through all the necessary steps to buy an audio/video streaming session.
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