The ancient art and science of pranic healing and arhatic yoga

Instructor Reviews

Razmig Azezian
Title: Psychotherapy - Instructor
Name: Razmig Azezian
Country: Lebanon

33 reviews:

  • MCKS Advanced Pranic Healing®

    December 11, 2017

    Albert D.
    Lebanon, Beirut

    Great (he) deeply loves what he's doing....

  • MCKS Pranic Healing® (Level I)

    October 12, 2017

    Albert D.
    Lebanon, Beirut

    On a personal view, the instructor is a great person with a beloved heart and greatly knowledgeable about the course...

  • MCKS Pranic Healing® (Level I)

    October 12, 2017

    Varsenig W.
    Lebanon, Beirut

    Atma Namaste,
    Razmig Azesian is a great instructor with nice humor to keep the class interest alerted
    He has wide knowledge and was able to answer all the raised questions with full respect
    Looking forward to have more courses with him
    Thank you!