The ancient art and science of pranic healing and arhatic yoga

Rose Incense

Rose Incense

Each pack contains 15 hand rolled high quality incense sticks from India.
Free from any toxic substance.

When lighted produces pink prana.



Throughout the history, rose has been depicted as a symbol for love, royalty and associated with religion and mysticism. The Rose Incense will bring you the exotic smell of roses and the experience of a walk through a rose garden.
It is also great for enhancing your psychic awareness, promoting healing and peace at home and for attracting good luck. In ancient times rose incense was burned to increase courage, induce prophetic dreams, house blessing, fertility, healing and to attract love. Rose incense is used in all forms of love enchantment and possesses the strongest love vibration of any magical incense.

Brief History:

Roses hold a spiritual significance throughout history. Monks took care of rose gardens in the Middle Ages. Biblical scholars cite references to roses in the Bible. A single red rose, as the Alchemy Guild points out, symbolizes the mystic center.

Our Price: $5.00

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