The ancient art and science of pranic healing and arhatic yoga

Messages From the Unseen - eBook Info

Messages From the Unseen

Prerequisite Course: Basic Pranic Healing


In the first place, we must try to realize that messages from the unseen world are quite common things. The person who receives a message of that sort usually feels himself to be specially favoured, and thinks that he alone out of all the world is selected for this very wonderful experience; and our spirit friends tend a little to encourage that idea. But really that is an illusion. It is not at all an uncommon thing for people to receive messages from the unseen, and therefore we need not attach undue importance to them. They come in many ways. In the old days they came most frequently through table-rapping, or table-tilting; that plan is less in fashion now, and people mostly receive them through writ­ing by planchette.